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Privacy  Statement

www.monarch-indexing.co.uk (the web site for Monarch Indexing Limited) is intended to provide information to clients and potential employees about our services.

For the purposes of continued research and development, the Monarch Indexing Limited web site automatically gathers some information from users of the site. This consists of keywords and search engine used to find the site, which pages are viewed, and for how long. This information is collated into management information and exists in granular form for one month only while statistics are prepared.

Monarch Indexing Limited also monitor access log information. The connection address that you are connecting from is automatically included within that. This is used, together with the above  to help continuously improve the site and to optimise search engine configuration. This information is discarded after one month.

Monarch Indexing Limited does not pass any information on to third parties, nor will do in the future. Information gathered is only used for the purposes listed above, and is treated as being strictly private and confidential.






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Copyright © 2014 Monarch Indexing Ltd. Version 9.0 Last modified: December 31, 2013 13:17