Step Indexing can be done on any bound product to
provide quick easy access to the book 90 degree, 110
degree, double radius or straight cutting dies are available to cut
single bank, double bank, corner step, and full cut front edge
step. We can index standard or small book formats. We can print tabs in a
variety of fonts and colours.
Examples: telephone and
trade directories, annual reports, catalogs, brochures, address and appointment
books, diaries, planners and blank books. See
sample or video Standard Step Index
Half circle (half moon) cuts are made into the
book to expose the tab at a page specific location. Thumb cuts are half moon radius,
tabs are available in the
same sizes as the cuts. Thumb Cut Indexing can be single bankand double bank. Tab descriptions may be printed on the text or can be
applied. There can be multiple banks of cuts applied where the book is
particularly thick.
This is an example of a double banked thumb
index, particularly useful for large books, with a lot of subjects to index.
Examples: dictionaries, bibles, medical books,
A type of thumb index that cuts a
radius through the book to the specific page. Tab descriptions may be printed on the text or can be
applied. Single or double banks can be cut.
reference books, medical books, catalogs, brochures and annual reports.